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ABDCH Full Form

Meaning : Association of british dogs and cats homes Category : Veterinary scienceSub Category : Social serviceType : Initialism What does ABDCH mean or stand for ? ABDCH is one of the largest groups in the UK that focuses on providing a loving home...

ATNS Full Form

ATNS Full Form – Advanced Trunking Networking System This type of ATNS is a system whereby network access is granted to clients and users through a set of network lines.Previously this truncation system was analogous in nature,however nowadays with the advent...

ASDC Full Form

ASDC Full Form – Atmospheric Sciences Data Center The ASDC is a archive and data center of NASA that can be accessed by the public domain.It contains lots of information and papers related to findings and experiments of Earths atmospherics.In today’s...

AAPR Full Form

AAPR Full Form – Annual Academic Progress Rate In many cases prestigious colleges and universities grant admission to students solely based on their athletic excellence and ability and NOT on the basis of academic merit.Due to this,student athletes fall back on...

AARD Full Form

AARD Full Form – Agricultural Agency for Research and Development In nations that rely heavily on agriculture as a sustainable income form households,AARD is an agency at the forefront and is involved in research and development of agricultural methods,products,food sources,crops,harvesting,agricultural machinary...

AGTP Full Form

AGTP Full Form -Acid Guanidinium Thiocyanate Phenol The AGTP method is used widely in laboratories all around the world and is especially significant because by the method of AGTP,we can separate two viscous liquids.This is useful in Extraction of DNA whilst...